Exams Have You Worried? Here’s Some Relief to Help

Exam week is soon upon us. It is time to cut ties with all social life, close your apartment door, and bring out the...

Chabad Jewish Student Group Presenting Shabbat 500 Tonight

Free food with good friends--what more could you ask for? The Chabad Jewish Student Group and Chabad at UCF are hosting Shabbat 500 tonight at...

City Fish Orlando Restaurant Review

Located near downtown Orlando on Central Boulevard, City Fish is a restaurant that prides itself in serving fresh seafood and seasonal beers. They offer...

Sources: New 4Rivers Location Will Open Near Waterford Lakes

Forget driving 30 minutes to Winter Park to enjoy delectable barbecue. 4Rivers Smokehouse is opening a new location in the Waterford Lakes area, near...

Two Dollar Burritos at Chipotle for Halloween

Chipotle is offering two dollar burritos from 4 to close today, all you have to do is wear a costume. According to the promotional flier...

Healthy Food in the UCF Area That Won’t Break Your Wallet

As college students most of us are on a budget that does not allow us to eat out very often, and with Halloween only...

Kombucha Your Way To Better Health

It seems like a lot of us are grasping for the next big health kick, whether it’s embracing a new exercise routine, or opting...

Learn How Knights Lived at Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire

Imagine stepping back to a time where real knights roamed the countryside and people didn't have the internet to entertain themselves, instead relying on...

UCF Cookie Controversy: Does Marketplace Limit Cookies?

Many of us who have lived on or near campus at one time or another or even those who have gotten hungry in between...

Final Days of the Plaza Draw Near; Relocation Information

As the Plaza's final days draw close, we bring updated information about relocations, specials and future plans for the site. _____________________________________________________________________________ Knight Library New Location: Old Houlihans...

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