UCF Tuition Differential: Another Big Hike Around the Corner

Tuition at the University of Central Florida could spike 15 percent this fall if state leaders grant UCF's request for the hike. BOARD OF GOVERNORS...

Bros Icing Bros: From UCF to the New York Times, Smirnoff Ice Is Hot

It's been about  a week and a half since KnightNews.com published this story documenting how "Bros Icing Bros" was becoming a big hit at...

iPhone 4 Review: Does New iPhone Beat Sprint’s HTC EVO?

The new iPhone 4 was unveiled at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference Tuesday, fresh off the heel's of the release of the HTC Evo, with...

Sea World Killer Whale Dies Giving Birth to Tilikum’s Baby

SeaWorld Orlando was in mourning Sunday, after a 20-year-old killer whale named Taima died while giving birth, according to reports. Taima was impregnated by Tilikum,...

Knights E-mail Alert: UCF Can Read What You Write

UCF Says Monitoring is Rare, But Former Student Leader Worries About Abuse If you've ever used your UCF Knights E-mail account to talk about something...

New Flotilla Approaching Israel While UCF Students Are In Country

Just days after 6 boats were intercepted by the Israeli Defense Force, Israeli Government officials have confirmed to Knightnews.com another flotilla is beleived to...

Gary Coleman 911 Call Raises Questions After Death

Controversy is surrounding the death of celebrity Gary Coleman, following the release of the 911 call. Coleman's ex-wife can be heard ignoring instructions from...

Golden Girls Actress Rue McClanahan, ‘Blanche Devereaux,’ Dies of Stroke Days After Coleman, Hopper

Rue McClanahan, the Emmy-winning actress who starred as Blanche Devereaux on TV's "The Golden Girls," died of a stroke Thursday in a New York...

Should USF’s SGA President Be Paid More Than UCF’s?

KnightNews.com has learned the president of USF's Student Government Association is paid more than UCF's SGA president, despite UCF being a larger school with...

Coordinator of UCF’s Recent DUI Patrols Releases New Information

Roving DUI “Wolf Packs” coordinated by the Orange County Sheriff's Office protected UCF students from drunk drivers over the weekend, and KnightNews.com has learned...

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