Jason Reitman Speaks to UCF
Bob Jones cinema survey class was lucky enough to have Jason Reitman, the director of Thank You For Smoking and Juno come speak about...
Mass Swine Flu Vaccinations Less Likely At UCF
The nationwide swine flu vaccine shortage is hitting UCF, and so far the school has only received 2,000 of the 24,000 vaccine doses it...
Homecoming Skit Knight Teams Revealed
KnightNews.com has confirmed which teams will compete in Skit Knight in the UCF Arena on November, 11 2009.
Skit Knight director Joey Femia said the...
Man Jailed for Singing in YouTube Video
Hundreds of thousands of people have watched Edward Muscare, 77, sing and dance on YouTube, but his funny videos have landed him behind bars.
Vote for the Football Entrance Song
SGA announces students can vote for a new football intro song right now on SGA Website.
SGA says, "we still have the opportunity to build...
After Dark on Greek Park
This past Thursday, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Theta Chi joined forces to put on what seemed to be one of the top philanthropies of...
Former Indian President Speaks on Campus
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former president of India and an aeronautical engineer, gave a presentation entitled “World Space Vision 2050” to UCF students...
KnightNews Catches Up With Jordan, Tribble
While sideline reporting for the UCF vs. Miami Football game, Knightnews.com had a chance to get a few questions in with UCF Director of...
Jordan Shoe Fight Could Cost UCF $3 Million
UCF released a statement saying "It is important to state that UCF Athletics did make adidas aware of Marcus’ recruitment and was...
Crowds Gather For John’s Goodbye
Friends and brothers of John Grosso gathered Monday night to say goodbye at a candlelight vigil on his fraternity's front lawn.
Grosso, 21, a UCF student...