Alafaya Trail Reopens After 1:30 p.m. Crash
Southbound lanes of Alafaya Trail were shutdown shortly from 1:30 p.m. until nearly 3 p.m. due to a vehicle crash with injuries, according to...
Parking a Big Problem for First Week of Class
Sound off on the parking situation below, or become our fan on Facebook to share your thoughts and stay updated on future stories. Also,...
Welcome to UCF, Here’s What’s Up on Campus
Get ready for packed parking lots, tons of traffic and a whole new freshmen class -- the first week of school is finally here.
Raw Video of Sorority Celebratory Stampede
Hundreds of happy new sorority girls ran down Greek Park Saturday afternoon, taking part in a...
Booked Solid: Where to Get Your Texts for Less
With the Fall 2009 semester just around the corner, UCF students once more get to partake in the bookstore’s favorite pastime: mercilessly ravaging students’...
UCF Named a Top 5 University by U.S. News
For the first time in school history, UCF cracked a top five ranking by U.S. News & World Report.
The publication's "America's Best Colleges" guide...
Surfers Ready for Big Bill, Now a Major Hurricane
Hurricane Bill is one powerful storm.
Luckily for us, the major hurricane is not heading toward Central Florida.
And lucky for UCF surfers, the storm is...
UCF Fans Furious Over Tailgating Time Cuts
Video Story Summarizing Meeting:
(Scroll down for the RAW video) has been covering the controversial cuts to UCF football tailgate times that will be in...
Rec Center Reopens With Limited Hours
After being shut down one week for maintenance, the UCF Rec and Wellness Center has reopened with a limited schedule for the last week...
Gunman Spotted at UCF Branch Campus
Update: 8/15
As of today, there are still no reports this gunman has been caught or of any new problems caused by him.
A witness spotted...