
Hundreds of thousands of people have watched Edward Muscare, 77, sing and dance on YouTube, but his funny videos have landed him behind bars.


Muscare is a convicted sex offender, and part of his probation requires him to stay off the Internet, according to reports.


When cops found out he was starring in his on Internet videos, like the one above with a banana, they threw him in a Central Florida jail in Lake County.

Now his fans are coming to his rescue, begging for his freedom and even writing to the judge asking for mercy.

One wrote: “I am writing you on behalf of an individual who is now in jail for posting videos of his dogs and advice on how to scratch your back. If there is any justice in the world Edward Muscare will be liberated.”

Fans say his videos, like this one below where he teaches you when to sing “I’m not superman” in Scrubs theme music, are harmless.


Other videos may give prosecutors more of an argument to stop the videos, this one shows him scratching his back shirtless and his dog sucking and biting his stomach.


Check out some of his other videos, and feel free to chime in on the controversy below.
