UCF revealed its COVID-19 dashboard on Wednesday, which shows a total of 540 cases reported to or tested for by the university.

UCF revealed its new COVID-19 dashboard Wednesday, reporting a total of 540 positive COVID-19 cases from the start of the pandemic through Saturday.

The new dashboard includes additional cases that Dr. Michael Deichen, associate vice president of Student Health Services, said were mistakenly not included in the case count UCF published on its website.

“We continue to evaluate how best to collect and report this information to be transparent in how we communicate the pandemic’s impact while respecting privacy laws,” Deichen said in a Wednesday statement.

Deichen said a majority of those cases were reported to the university during or before June, but are now reflected in this week’s update. Knight News has not independently verified the data to confirm this.

Screenshot of UCF’s COVID-19 dashboard on Aug. 12.

UCF’s new dashboard — which was introduced as part of the university’s reopening plan that it said would be available in July — has three sections:

  • Students’ positive tests reported to Student Health Services directly through UCF’s testing partner, Aventus Biolabs.
    • The dashboard indicates a total of 355 positive COVID-19 cases through Saturday.
  • Faculty and staff members’ self-reported cases.
    • The dashboard indicates a total of 110 positive COVID-19 cases through Saturday.
  • Students’ self-reported cases.
    • The dashboard indicates a total of 75 positive COVID-19 cases through Saturday.

The dashboard, which UCF says will be updated weekly, displays the total case count from the start of the pandemic through Saturday. UCF’s dashboard includes both on- and off-campus cases.

Screenshot of UCF’s COVID-19 dashboard on Aug. 12.

“We are pleased to see a two-week downward trend in our case numbers, with a total of 22 cases reported the week ending Aug. 1 and 14 cases reported in the week ending Aug. 8,” Deichen said.

Just after midnight on Wednesday, UCF’s coronavirus website — which had not yet been updated to the new dashboard — showed a total of 451 positive COVID-19 cases.

UCF said in the statement it tracks all positive cases reported to us that involve a student or faculty or staff member, including those who have not been on campus.

Return to Campus

Deichen asks individuals to do all they can to reduce the spread of COVID-19, especially when returning to campus this fall.

He said individuals should to wear a face covering, wash hands frequently, practice physical distancing, and stay away from others if they begin to exhibit symptoms or have concerns about possible exposure.

UCF began the move-in process for its residents in on-campus housing on Saturday. Residents moving in started with a COVID-19 test, and continued on to their move-in appointment immediately after.

“Students should remain in their on-campus residence and begin a relative quarantine, only leaving their rooms for food deliveries or pick-up until they receive their test results,” the housing safety measures website reads.


Deichen said out of 837 tests administered on Saturday and Sunday, 11 were positive for COVID-19, or a positivity rate of 1.3%. He said students have been receiving their test results within 48 hours, but said the results from move-in will be part of next week’s COVID-19 update.

In the statement, Deichen said the university wants all students and employees to report any positive cases of COVID-19, regardless of whether an individual has been to, or plans to go to, any of UCF’s campuses.

To report positive tests, ask questions about symptoms, and request a telehealth visit to be screened for possible testing, UCF has set up a COVID Line and can be reached at 407-823-2509.