is learning more about those arrested during the “Wolf Pack” DUI patrols we’ve been reporting on all weekend.

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, early indications were that absolutely zero UCF students were arrested during the operation.

OCSO confirmed to us a total of 20 DUI arrests were made as a result of the operation. In addition, six other arrests were made, including: three for driving with a suspended license, one for possession of marijuana, one for possession of alcohol by someone under 21 and one warrant arrest.

We discovered that one DUI suspect, Garsuah Dekontee Reeves, 28, was accused by police of driving 107 miles per hour down University Blvd. before he was pulled over for DUI.

Read our Saturday ealry morning update posted as the DUI operation was happening

Another DUI suspect, 21-year-old Kenneth Dabrowski, blew a .236 and .239 — about three times the legal limit — when his blood alcohol level was tested at the mobile DUI testing center set up at UCFPD, according to his arrest report.

UCF police Ofc. Peter Osterrieder was the one to pull Dabrowski over, and wrote in his report that the suspect almost hit another vehicle while driving down University Blvd.

We’ve already posted a few mug shots below, showing just a few faces of those arrested on DUI charges during the stepped up patrols this weekend. We will upload more in the next few minutes, and also work to provide more names and details which police said led to the charges of those arrested.

The man on the left, Andrew Conklin, is only 18. His blood alcohol level was at least a .200, according to jail records.The man on the right, Jason Crook, 22, was driving his Lexus erratically on Alafaya Trail near Science Drive, according to his arrest report. He refused the blood alcohol test at UCF PD.

See more mug shots by clicking Next Page here or below: