Update April 12:
We were emailed this video below showing Theta Chi serenading Kappa Alpha Theta, which as you’ll remember, was’s Homecoming 2011 Race to Watch. The video shows Theta Chi sing inside, then finish singing outside. While Theta Chi is outside, you can hear reference made to Beta Theta Pi being outside waiting to go next. As we reported during our livestream coverage Sunday night, Kappa Alpha Theta ended up picking Theta Chi and ZBT as its partners. As of Tuesday, we still haven’t heard whether Beta Theta Pi managed to convince any other fraternity/sorority pair to allow it to join. However, we have confirmed Beta is lobbying ATO and ZTA hard to try and get accepted onto that team. The result of that lobbying effort has not been announced.

Send us your video or a link to it by emailing
Check out our live coverage below, and see a list of pairings as they stand now here.

Update April 11:
Here’s a sample of our extensive live stream coverage anchored by’s Andrew Stein which we provided throughout the night. Stein manned the anchor desk and kept track of the decisions minute-by-minute on his trusty white board.’s Kevin Wolkenfeld went all over Greek Park and the Greek Ghetto to offer live reports from the field. At one point, Wolkenfeld had to temporarily take over the anchoring duties, and field anchored from the Greek Ghetto due to technical difficulties in the Knight News Studio. Stein joined Kevin by phone to offer exclusive analysis, and then Kevin conducted live interviews with members of Phi Delt and Kappa Delta, along with the Phi Delt snake.

After that Kevin went to the ZBT house to try and get reaction, but no one was home. He did notice lots of Kappa Alpha Theta letters painted on the ZBT window, though. He decided then to head back to on campus Greek Park, where he had been reporting live earlier in the night during serenades, to get exclusive reaction from the brothers of Theta Chi. Even though equipment was running out of power, was able to manage to get a backup stream going and bring viewers this live interview with Theta Chi.

It was approaching midnight, but wasn’t done yet. Check out this final live interview with got with Kappa Sigma. Again, we apologize for the decrease in quality, but we were using back up systems and were dedicated to doing it live.

See the most up to date pairings we’ve learned of and earlier updates by clicking the next page link on the bottom right.