Wednesday afternoon the Interfraternity Council delegates met to discuss possibly ending a tent rush at Memory Mall, which UCF fraternities have had since last spring.
The fraternity delegates and IFC Executive board did not come to a consensus on the matter, but two different ideas arose, that will be voted on next Wednesday, March 28th.
It was presented to have rush tents at neither Memory Mall or Lake Claire, but instead encourage a 365-day a year rush. However, there would still be an official rush week at the beginning of fall and spring. IFC President Mike Irene told the delegates that there still would be a Pegasus Ballroom event the first night of rush and an end of the week event to wrap it all up.
Matt Zimmerman, the VP of Recruitment for IFC and brother of Delta Upsilon told, “We are trying to have all of the fraternities move from having two main periods during the year to get their new members and recruit 365 days a year.” He went on to say, “It is something that has been talked about for a while, but always pushed aside. I believe it would be best for all 18 fraternities if we didn’t set up a formal recruitment for them like we have in the past.”

The matter was debated by Delta Tau Delta delegate Chris Boley who said, “It seems like you guys don’t think we’re recruiting 365 days a year, but we are. We are not using tent rush as a crutch, most freshman don’t have cars, so it is for their benefit not ours.”
Without a tent rush, fraternities would have individual events all week instead of having any type of unified tent rush where all the fraternities are recruiting next to each other.
Phi Delta Theta president Tal Wollschlaeger voiced his opinion by bringing up an idea of moving tent rush back to Lake Claire, and having the four on campus fraternity houses rush out of their houses. He said, ” If you want to get rid of tent rush then bring us Greek Park 2″, he added, “UCF is not FSU, UF, or Alabama. When there is only four Greek Fraternity houses on campus, in order to have a successful rush, tent rush needs to stay until there is a real alternative.” will be there at the next meeting to update you with the outcome.