Senate Passes Bill Banning Food and Drink in SGA Presidential Elections
When UCF students vote for their next SGA President this year, they may notice something missing.
Senate passed bill 46-79, which bans presidential candidates from...
LJ&R Committee Formulates Questions for Witness Interviews in Westbrook Impeachment
The Legislative Judicial & Rules Committee Meeting took place on Thursday in the Student Government Association workroom to formulate questions that will be asked...
Senators Didn’t Know They Voted to Impeach UCF SGA President Westbrook
How can someone vote on an impeachment, if they don’t know what an impeachment is? has discovered multiple senators are doing just that.
One apparent...
UCF: SGA Impeachment Interviews Won’t Be Secret Anymore
For the first time in at least five years, UCF SGA impeachment witness interviews will be open to the public.
According to Chad Binette, a...
Is SGA Violating Sunshine Law with Impeachment Process?
After Student Government Association President Melissa Westbrook was impeached, the Senate’s LJR committee members investigating her for allegedly breaking Sunshine Law might just be...
Senator Clifford Rice Speaks Out on SGA President Westbrook Impeachment | Video sat down with SGA Senator Clifford Rice, who filed the impeachment affidavit against Student Government President Melissa Westbrook.
Rice spoke with about...
UCF SGA Hosting Spirit Week
UCF Student Government Association will be holding their first ever spirit week starting on Feb. 3 and will last until Thursday.
The event will kickoff...
UCF SGA President Melissa Westbrook Impeached, Awaits Removal Hearing
The Student Government Senate has determined that the three impeachment charges against President Melissa Westbrook do have merit as impeachable offenses -- therefore impeaching...
Impeachment Charges Filed Against SGA President Melissa Westbrook
Impeachment charges have been filed against SGA President Melissa Westbrook, has confirmed.
Clifford Rice, a UCF student and College of Engineering and Computer Science...
UCF A&SF Budget Committee Cuts $900,000 From Budget
The UCF Student Government Activity and Service Fee Budget Committee was faced with the task of shaving $900,000 from the A&SF budget on Monday,...