UPDATE 10:40 P.M.– The UCF SGA Senate has passed the $17 million budget. It will move on to be signed by the appropriate parties and become official.

The GrayRobinson lobbying firm sent a representative to handle questions over whether its services were worth it for the students. The representative explained how the lobbying firm advocated for what the client — the SGA President in this case — asks.

The representative and Senate discussed the lack of communication between Senate and Exec and it appeared the lobbying firm would be willing to work with the Legislative branch more in the future.

A motion to amend proviso language to require SGA to get multiple bids before awarding the contract to GrayRobinson failed. Embattled UCF SGA President Michael Kilbride, who is facing impeachment charges filed against him yesterday, was present at the meeting and endorsed continuing SGA’s relationship with the lobbying firm.

Kilbride is one of a select few SGA members who went on a trip to Washington DC last year with members of the lobbying firm. It’s not clear if Kilbride plans to go on the lobbying trip again this year. Students footed the bill for the lobbying trip.

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In direct violation of Florida Public Record Law, according to lawyers, Kilbride’s Knightmare financial database records released by the UCF state agency illegally redact his name from being associated with the trip. However, sources tell KnightNews.com he was present for the trip, directly benefited from the expenditures listed below and Facebook evidence shows he was sightseeing during the trip to DC as well.

6/22/2010 REDACTED P201605 $69.00 ReImb. Luggages check in-Wash. DC trip 6/22-24/10 7/31/2010 SG: Executive Branch

6/22/2010 REDACTED P201605 $120.00 ReImb. Ground Transp.-Wash. DC trip 6/22-6/24/10 7/31/2010 SG: Executive Branch

6/22/2010 REDACTED P201605 $215.00 ReImb. Meals-Wash. DC trip 6/22-6/24/10 7/31/2010 SG: Executive Branch


The SGA senate will decide where $17 million of your money will be allocated tonight, during a special senate session that starts at 6 p.m.

During the special session, senate looks over the recommendation of the A&SF budget committee. State law requires the senate to approve the budget and the senate has the power to change anything the A&SF budget committee recommended.

Below is the updated budget the senate will view tonight.

Below is the updated budget bill the senate will view tonight.

One of the more controversial items that produced dissenting views in the A&SF committee and will be looked at deeper by the senate include the Gray Robinson lobbying contract.

Gray Robinson is getting a $10,000 pay raise from last year and also happens to be the same lobbyist hired by the UCF administration.

KnightNews.com plans to live stream the meeting tonight and provide updates on some of the major expenditures tonight.