Orlando police arrested 19 Occupy Orlando demonstrators for trespassing in a city park after hours.

The arrests happened just after 2 a.m. Saturday after police said “a small group” refused to comply with the city ordinance banning people from being in the park after hours.

This has been the first major clash between police and the protesters. Prior to the arrests, police said the group had been in compliance with everything the City of Orlando asked.

“The City of Orlando still respects this groups decision to exercise their freedom of speech but we request that they adhere to the ordinances that are in place,” according to a statement from Orlando police.

KnightNews.com was first to report a UCF student was arrested up in New York City during the Occupy Wall Street protests. It’s not yet clear if any UCF students were arrested during Occupy Orlando. KnightNews.com is working to find out if any UCF students were arrested and to find video of the arrests. Send news tips to news@knightnews.com.

The City of Orlando has clashed with UCF student activists before. In the past, a UCF Student Government Association senator was arrested for feeding the homeless in a Lake Eola park in violation of a city ordinance.