Two Orange County Sheriff’s deputies are accused of using excessive force in an incident involving two Valencia students, Reginald Lane Jr. and Deidra Reid.

Reid was arrested for trespassing after she got into an altercation with the off-duty cop’s son in The Retreat’s clubhouse this past Monday, according to the arrest affidavit. Reid yelled at the young boy for not opening the clubhouse doors and told him that he should respect his elders, according to the affidavit.

Lane was behind the camera recording the arrest of his friend, Reid.

Lane posted the video to social media and it has since adopted the hashtag #JusticeForDeidra on Facebook and Twitter. The video shows the off–duty deputy on top of Reid. Lane’s Instagram account hosts the video and a small account of what he witnessed.

“My friend was arrested for trespassing. She got into an altercation with a kid, which was the cop[‘s] son. She told the police out of uniform to follow her to the car for her ID and he refused. He called back-up and they slammed her on the ground. This was very unnecessary and has to stop,” the caption reads.

However OSCO says the actions taken were necessary.

“She continued to refuse our lawful commands and was told to put her hands behind her back by Deputy Nye. She continued to refuse at which point Deputy Nye grabbed her left wrist and tried to direct her arm behind her back but the Def 1 began to pull away and twist.Deputy Nye then directed her to the ground (grassy area),” reads the report.

As Lane was recording the incident, another officer approached Lane. According to an affidavit Lane was taken into custody after he refused to put his hands behind his back. Lane is also alleging excessive force used.  Lane said he was not resisting and added that he believes he did not deserve the treatment he received.

“I didn’t have to be kicked in the groin or slammed into the car several times,” Lane said.

Lane provided Knight News with the video of what happened once he was approached.  Reid’s voice can also be heard pleading with officers to stop pulling her arm, which Lane said was violently yanked which caused severe and unnecessary pain.

Lane said that a resident of The Retreat accompanied them throughout their entire visit that Monday.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office did not respond when asked for information about the incident.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.