After multiple debates and three days of campaigning around campus, Weston Bayes and Sydney Altfield have been elected the new Student Government Association President and Vice-President.

The Weston/Sydney ticket, running under the campaign slogan “Stand Uknighted” defeated Jessica Gottsleben and Lucdwin Luck 64.9 percent to 35.1 percent. In total, 6,124 students voted in the election with 3,947 voting for Weston/Sydney, 2,150 for Jessica/Luck and the rest were write-in ballots.

The voting total was slightly down from last years SGA election, where 7,779 votes were totaled and significantly down from 2012 where there were 12,667 total student voters.

Among Weston and Sydney’s most ambitious platform goals is lobbying for a pedestrian bridge across Alafaya Trail, creating a mobile app for the Blue Light system and facilitating more on-campus study spaces.