SGA released the following memo to regarding SGA Sen. William Lusk’s alleged bribery attempt:


To:      Shane Juntunen, SGA Elections Commission Advisor

CC:     Brian Peterson, Student Body President

Andrick Lewis, Student Body Vice President

Michael McGriskin, Chief Justice

Christa Coffey, Senate Advisor

Andrew Proia, Attorney General

From: Marlee Popluder, Supervisor of Elections

Date:  9/30/2009

Re:      Violation Hearing

The Election Commission met September 30, 2009 at 5:15pm in 224, to discuss possible violations with the 2009 Senate Elections against William Lusk.

 The Election Commission voted in favor of a major violation with a 7-1 vote count for reasons of attempt to bribe and blatant disregard of elections statutes.

Election Statutes

Chapter 600 Definitions

          D. Bribe- A prize, reward, gift, or favor bestowed or promised with a view to influence the action of another to vote for a particular candidate/ticket. Any campaign material approved by the Election Commission and distributed during the election period shall not constitute a bribe or bribery.

          M. Major Violation – Any violation that affects the outcome of an election,  repeated minor violations, or blatant disregard of election statutes.

Chapter 604 Election Procedures

604.1 Election Code of Ethics

          F. No candidate/ ticket shall commit or attempt a bribe.

If you have any questions, please email the Election Commission at