Faculty vs. Pres. Hitt: Budget Battle Heats Up

UCF's Faculty Union sent out a very critical "open letter" to UCF President John Hitt Friday regarding the pending decision to cut several UCF degree...

What New Buildings Are Next For UCF?

Will it be a new parking garage, like the sample UCF rendering above? Or will UCF build office space to house parking services employees, like in this...

Gym Reopens After Tornado Warning

Students working out in the UCF gym during Wednesday night's tornado warning were ordered by megaphone to drop their weights and seek cover in...

Students Find ‘Best View’ For Shuttle Launch

Students stood on top of the Tower 3 parking garage in hopes of getting a glimpse of space shuttle Endeavour’s 6:03 p.m. Wednesday launch. Unfortunately,...

Protests Break Out To Save Majors, Professors

If you watched from afar, it almost looked like a pep rally formed outside the Student Union Monday, but the students gathered had nothing...

How to Get Involved on Campus

UCF, Get Involved, Student Government, Greek Life, Student Organizations

UCF Students Audition for American Idol

This past week our team at KnightNews.com headed to downtown Orlando to catch a glimpse of the American Idol auditions at the Amway Arena. And...

The Best Free Stuff on Campus

In the midst of a bad economy, tuition increases and all sorts of fees that students pay, KnightNews.com wants to make sure students are...

Good News: Gas Prices Going Down

College students struggling with historic tuition hikes and decreased cash flow from parents hit by the recession have some good news — gas prices...

El Corral Offers Meal Plan to Students

Food. College students can’t live without it. And for freshmen without kitchens, Marketplace and Knightros seemed like the only place for meal plan –...

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