Notes from state and disclaimers:

Fall 2023
Payroll information provided by Florida’s 12 State Universities:
Annual Salary is the annual amount of money paid to an employee for activities associated with a particular State Program Component. The salaries of certain employees may be funded through several different state program components, including:
Education and General – funded by state General Revenue, the Florida Lottery and tuition.
Contracts and Grants – funded through contracts with the federal and state governments and private sources.
Auxiliaries – funded through university enterprise funds, such as student housing fees and student parking fees.
Data Center – funded through cost assessments to the various users, such as university-wide data centers.
Intercollegiate Athletics – funded through student athletic fees and athletic-related receipts (other than booster organization moneys).
Student Activities – funded through student activity fees.
Student Financial Aid – funded through student financial aid programs.
Technology fee – funded by the university imposed technology fees.
Teaching Hospitals and Allied Clinics – represents the state services related to the support of patients in the J. Hillis Miller Health Center and to the support of the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital.
Confidential or exempt information under Florida Public Records Law is not included.
REPORTING ERRORS OR OMISSIONS: If you are a university employee listed on this site and believe the posted information is inaccurate, please contact the Human Resources Office of your employing university.
CONTACT: The Human Resources Office of the appropriate State University.
The salaries of university employees may be funded from both public and private revenue sources.